Flex your arms.
Reach for the sky. It's good for
your muscles when you exercise. Working those
muscles keeps you healthy and strong. Working them out
can help you live long. Three kinds of
muscles help you move. skeletal,
cardiac and smooth Bones moved by
skeletal, blood by cardiac, smooth move food
through your intestinal tract.
Three kinds of muscles help you move Skeletal,
cardiac, and smooth. x2
Skeletal muscles they don't work alone. Stringy tendons
attach muscle to bone. One muscle to
flex, the other to extend. They work in
pairs when you walk, jump, or swim. Muscles get
shorter when they contract. Try to make them
long again, well just relax. Put the pedal to
the skeletal when you're making a run. Walking ,
hopping, and jumping is so mush fun.
repeat chorus
Some muscles move only when you think. Others by
themselves like a swallow or a blink. Voluntary
muscles are under your control. Involuntarys
work when you don't even know.
repeat chorus