Pearly Whites
Jeffrey Hale
Go ahead and count them. See how many you've got.
Starting from
the bottom then all of them on top.
If you're all
grown up, 32's the count.
But if you are
still a pup it won't be that amount.
When you're young and growing you grow 2 sets of teeth.
Primary teeth
are showing with permanents underneath.
primary teeth
get loose. In time they all fall out.
You'll grow
another tooth and the tooth fairy comes out.
Do it every
morning. Do it every night.
Do it after
eating. Brush those pearly whites.
Pull out the
string. Show'm who's boss.
To clean the
spaces in between, don't forget to floss.
Incisors are your front teeth, canine's next to them.
Bicuspids are
your back teeth with molars at the end.
A tooth is set
in gums. It has a root and crown.
The crown's
above the gingiva and the root holds it down.
repeat chorus
Bacteria are critters that live around your teeth.
They feed on
bits of food left behind after you eat.
They change the
food to acid which can eat your tooth away
in little holes
called cavities, the start of tooth decay
repeat chorus
JAM songs
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